Have visibility on 100% of your deliveries

Autonomously, regardless of the carrier

paysage avec un pont et une rivière
icone du globe avec un oeil

Global visibility

Have visibility 100 % of your deliveries thanks to your connected assets

Predictive logistics

Gain in proactivity by having a real time vision on all delays and delivery contingencies.

icone d'une cloche

Alerts and notifications

Set the right level of alerts and notifications and gain productivity

icone d'une loupe

Analysis and optimisation

Have an accurate measurement of your performance and improve your organisation SLAs

Global visibility

Magma control tower allows you to monitor the progress of all your deliveries in real time.

Your logistics teams will be more effective and productive.

Umfassende Transparenz

Keep your customers satisfied and inform your warehouses of any transport contingency.

Your deliveries are tracked regardless of the carrier or means of transport used.

un camion qui roule
illustration d'un ordinateur portable et un smartphone

Alertes et notifications

Our algorithms will allow you to anticipate delays and ensure the quality of your deliveries.

Alerts and reports are customisable to your business requirements.

Analysis and optimisation

Analyse und OptimierungMagma Technology allows you to precisely measure your logistics performance and reach your SLAs.

Helping you gain operational excellence is our priority!

Interoperability - API

Magma Technology’s APIs allow full interoperability with our customer IT systems.

Your TMS, WMS and ERP are fed in real time with the execution status of your deliveries to gain data reliability and transparency between stakeholders.