illustration isométrique d'une livraison en magasin


Luxury Industry

Your outlets deserve your full attention.

The availability of your in-store teams has a direct impact on your turnover. Give your staff all the information they need to organise themselves properly.

icone d'un camion en alerte
icone de 5 étoiles

Improve the quality of the information shared with your stores

Your sales force will have real-time visibility on all current deliveries and an accurate estimate of arrival times.

Ensure the availability of your items and gain customer satisfaction

Measure the impact of delivery contingencies on the availability of your items in stores.

icone de camion qui roule très vite, probablement en excès de vitesse
of your deliveries tracked
0 %
of salesforce availability
+ 0 %
logo recyclage
Reduce your carbon footprint
icone d'un cadenas
logo reecyclage

Secure your valuable deliveries

Your logistics teams and your insurance company are notified immediately in the event of inappropriate opening or misappropriation of your goods.

Promote eco-responsible deliveries

Adopting returnable containers is no longer an obstacle thanks to our solution. Manage their return flow in the warehouse automatically and simply.